



Two words Family Style.

I’ve always been told: ‘you made the mess in the kitchen, you clean it up’. Our mother always had the house spic and span at all times, and my brother and I were ‘trained’ to also do the same. When we were living in London, after a big cook-up, our friends would later find my brother and I on all fours trying to rid the floor of any trace that we had cooked. They would just stare at us in utter disbelief, but after a few dinners they soon got used to it, and we drank on once the cleaning was done. So as you can imagine, I make sure to use the least amount of pots and pans while cooking, just to make life a little easier at the end of the meal. What goes in the oven goes straight onto the table, no muss, no fuss.

Contrary to my baking, presentation and plating up is not my forte when it comes to the main meal. Being Chinese, we always say ‘eat it while it’s hot’, so the idea of letting food go cold in the hopes of making it ‘look better’ just doesn’t make too much sense to me. Or rather, this is a more elaborate way of saying ‘I can’t be bothered to serve you, just help yourself and dig in’. Whichever, there is something very heart-warming about seeing a piping hot dish in the middle of table, and there is something very homey and loving about sharing food with people without all the faff you see on ‘Come Dine with Me’. [/column-third-1]



The key to pretty-yummy cakes? Get the recipe of the actual cake right, and then plop on the decoration – buy it or make it, edible or just for looks? I’ve got it covered.

Hello, my name is YY, I’m an architect by day and a baker by night. In our field, structural engineers constantly blame architects for designing buildings that look nice but can’t stand up for sh*t. Believe it or not, engineers: ‘the key to making pretty-yummy cakes is getting the structure of the decorations right!’ says the architect. The golden ratio here is the density of the cake vs. the weight of the decorations, and the golden question is how on earth you’re going to support these decorations without having to poke a gazillion dowels into your cake!

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If you’re going to put decoration on that you’re not going to eat, then make sure it doesn’t take time. Queue – my cake decorations that are ‘just for looks’. And if you’re going to put decoration to satisfy those icing-munchers, then let’s go all out. Queue – my cake decorations that are ‘edible’. I use the word ‘edible’ here loosely because the only people who I’ve seen demolish icing so far are my 5 and 10 years old nephews!

So sugar up readers! I hope you enjoy these recipes as much as my family has![/column-third-2]



Well, my little Peanut couldn’t wait to see the world, so he plopped out at 29 weeks! It was a very scary first month, but aside from being a wee bit smaller, his willpower and tenacity is all there! Never doubt the half Chinese half Lebanese baby (a.k.a. the Chibber)! He will soon catch up – watch this space.

I know baby food isn’t the most exciting to talk about, but when you’re a Mom and all you care and stare at is your little’un, you’re going to more or less obsess about it. So this is my outlet to share what I’m doing for my baby – food wise. I can’t say he loves everything put in front of him, but so far one thing’s for sure – it can take up to 4 days to turn that frown upside down! But tough! Baby’s gotta eat his veg and fishies!

Now, cooking gear. It seems the hottest must-own gadget is one of those steam-and-blitz-all-in-one machines, and the most recommended way of cooking fruits and veg is to steam them (something about trying to keep all the nutrients that leak into the cooking water). But I’ve never had a problem with boiling – you don’t need to drown the fruit and veg in tonnes of water to get them to cook thoroughly, the key is to put the right amount of water, boil away on medium-high heat, and then you just blitz everything that’s in the pan! This way you never have to throw out any excess water, and baby gets all the nutrients.

My recipes will show you exactly how much water to put, and what size fruit and veg the recipe is for – all by eye of course, because the last thing you want is to start whipping out measuring jugs and scales! We’re busy enough![/column-third-3]