Baby’s Gyoza (18m+)

Baby’s Gyoza (18m+)

My childhood favourite. Growing up my Mom used to make tones of these and she would store them in the freezer so we had a never-ending supply. As a child I used to watch my Mom wrap away. Now, I’m doing the same for my Peanut, and this time my Mom joined in and we had a nice afternoon sat around the dining table like a bunch of old ladies. I probably had more fun making this dish than Peanut did eating it!

At 6 months pregnant with my second, I had left Oman to give birth in London. Peanut was settling into his nursery in London, and they had taught him how to eat on his own using a spoon and fork! He was suddenly growing up so fast, and naturally his taste buds were changing by the day. He loved ravioli but really after 10 days of eating ravioli, I thought I had better stepped up my game. So cue – dumplings – the Chinese ravioli. Ha. Well, I guess I didn’t step too far out of his comfort zone after all!

This recipe is a Japanese variation of the ones my Mom used to make, for the simple reason that I couldn’t find Shanghainese dumpling skins, so I had to make do with gyoza wrappers. I added kale into the filling just to give the dish that extra goodness, but really you can use 2 cups of any cooked veg. You can of course also use any other type of mince. I love this recipe because you can pan fry them (like I am doing in this write up), or you can boil them for 4-5 minutes and serve up with an apple and kale puree if you’re serving young toddlers, or soy sauce if you’re serving adults.   These dumplings are great if you cook them straight away, but you can of course store them in the freezer for months on end. Simple place them on a tray lined with cling film (so they don’t stick to the tray once frozen), flash freeze, then pile them into freezer bags ready for when you need them.

-Recipe Makes 36-




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