Bat Biscuits (24m+)

Bat Biscuits (24m+)

We actually made these bat shaped biscuits for last Halloween, but as I didn’t have much free time back then, this is a back-post of how we celebrated. Peanut is well into his Terrible Twos, and it’s been quite the drama whenever I ask him to wash his hands, dress up, put on his shoes, go to sleep, sit on his high chair, eat, drink, and, well, pretty much anything I asked him to do would lead to a tantrum. However, I found having Peanut in the kitchen actually kept him calm. He was interested in what I was doing, so whenever I could, I would ask him to help, and like an angel, he did as he was told. This inspired me to start some videos on how toddlers can also create in the kitchen, refining their fine motor skills, learning about numbers through quantity, and understanding the science of how the heat and cold can transform matter from one texture to another. All this gibberish aside, it’s just fun to see him learn new words and skills through playing in the kitchen!


150g Sugar

150g Room Temp Butter

2 Eggs

270g Plain Flour

30g Cocoa Powder

1tsp Baking Soda

100g White Chocolate Chips

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  1. Beat together the sugar and butter.
  2. Add the eggs.
  3. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder and baking soda. Mix until a dough is formed.
  4. Mix in the white chocolate chips and dried cranberries.
  5. Tip the dough onto a sheet of cling film, pat into a slab, and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  7. Roll out the dough to 0.5cm thick, and using a bat shaped cookie cutter, stamp out your biscuits, and lay them onto a greaseproof paper.
  8. Bake for 8 minutes.–U2PhXogXw

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