Breast Milk Mash (4m+)

Breast Milk Mash (4m+)

There are many thoughts on when you should start your baby on solids, 4 months, 6months, and I’ve even been recommended to start at 2 months! Well, I’ve gone my way – instead of going by numbers, I go by when they’re able to sit up. There’s no point spoon-feeding a baby who’s flopping around in her seat because she can’t hold up her own back. For Peanut, I started at 6 months (corrected age would have been barely 4 months) as per doctor’s orders, but honestly I felt it was too early because he really showed no interested in solids. P2, on the other hand, started at 6 months, and the lady couldn’t wait for me to feed her, she helped herself.

I don’t believe that any baby is the same, so when I hear people say, ‘oh, that’s what you do for all babies’ or ‘that’s normal, they all do that’, it gives me no comfort or reassurance. I can’t even begin to tell you the difference between a preemie and a full term baby, or the difference between a boy and a girl. As you know with Peanut, the line ‘they grow up so fast’ never crossed my mind, not even for a second. But with P2, she is growing at warp speed, Bruce-Lee-style, huwaaaaaaa-ly, pre-empting everything she knows she would not and does not want. For a 7 month old baby, she’s standing before she’s even gotten to the broccoli part of the menu; she’s refusing puree because she prefers an actual chunk of solid food; she’s chewing before she even has teeth; and, she’s about a kilo heavier than Peanut age-for-age!

7 months down the road and with breastfeeding down to a tea, I must say life is pretty entertaining at the moment. I’m finding myself scolding Peanut saying, ‘Ayla’s head is not the Brio table! Stop rolling trains into her eyes!’ and ‘Noooooo, don’t do a flipperoo over Ayla to get into her crib!’ Then of course there are sweet moments, when you have your two little ones rolling around in bed with you at 5am because they both decided it was the beginning of their day. Above all, the most rewarding and heart warming moment of my life, was when I was in the bathroom, and I heard Peanut, who could not string together words with three syllables, shout, ‘Whoa Ayla!’ I came out and found my youngest had brought herself to her feet, in her bed, at 6 months old! As I write this post, P2 has just crawled up to the Brio table, pulled herself up onto her feet, just so she can gnaw on Peanut’s trains while he’s at school. I guess P2 will probably start walking before her first teeth come in!

Now back to this recipe – of course you can go ahead and substitute the breast milk for formula, cow’s milk, almond milk, soya milk, kefir or whatever else your baby is drinking in place of breast milk. The goal was for P2 to start on savoury flavours, and what better lure, than to mix in what she’s been eating for every meal of her life?

-Recipe Serves 2-

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Ingredients_baby mash


Recipe_baby mash

Final 7_breastmilk mash

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