

Choux au Craquelin

Choux au Craquelin

Choux au Craquelin is basically your normal choux balls with a sugar top on. Yes, it’s an extra dough to make, and yes, you can absolutely do without it. I mean really, at the end of the day no one…
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Eggless Tiramisu

Eggless Tiramisu

This is the easiest Tiramisu recipe I’ve ever come across, and perfect for my pregnant belly. I love making this for impromptu dinner parties. The ingredients are easy to find, and making the cream is a one-bowl job. I think…
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Gateau St. Honoré

Gateau St. Honoré

My friend D went nuts over the Éclair Tower I made for my husband’s big 3-0. So for her birthday, I made her Gateau St. Honoré. It’s light, elegant, and what girl doesn’t like cream stuffed balls? I’ve always struggled…
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