Chicken + Chinese Cabbage Rice Vermicelli (12m+)

Chicken + Chinese Cabbage Rice Vermicelli (12m+)

Aside from pasta this is Peanut’s favourite meal!

The Chinese love their noodles, and Peanut is no exception. One day I was having a bowl of Udon noodles, he came and literally ate half my noodles! While it was cute to watch him slurp away, he left behind all the vegetables and meat, so essentially he was eating plain starch.   No no no, this won’t do for a healthy balanced diet. So this recipe is my baby friendly version of a bowl of noodles – the Chinese cabbage is blitzed so that it clings onto the noodles, and it’s thick enough to spoon-feed any left over soup. No excuses not to eat your greens Peanut!

-Recipe Makes 900ml-


Ingredients_chicken noodles

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Recipe_chicken noodle

Final 1_chicken noodle

Final 2_chicken noodle

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