French Dressing

French Dressing

I’m going to be honest here, healthy eating is not my thing.  I eat everything, from chicken skin to runny egg yolks to white rice and pasta.  I exercise so I can eat more, I rarely have my five-a-day, I forget to stay hydrated, and I’ve never been a fan of anything that’s labelled vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free or come to think of it, anything-free.  I count my blessings that I can keep my allergies at bay, and that I can pretty much eat anything I want, in moderation.

Having said this, I live in a society where people show they care about you by commenting on your weight.  Saying ‘Oh wow, you’ve lost weight’, or ‘Mmm, you got fat!’ was as casual as saying ‘Hello, how are you’.  I’ve come to realise that it’s just part of the culture, and rather than hating on it, I’ve learnt to filter out these mindless comments.  However now and again, when I’m feeling heavy, or feeling ugly, I take action, and for at least one meal a day for about two weeks, I go big on veg in order to reset my waist line.  So here it is, my go-to salad.

Growing up, I’ve always disliked salads, because they were always overdressed with mayonnaise based dressing.  Ew.  They were anything but light.  In my late-teens I spent a summer living in Paris studying fashion with my childhood bestie, P.  She is a hardcore salad muncher, and after two weeks, her diet finally rubbed off on me, and I started eating French salads.  They were light, and they didn’t put hateful ingredients like raw celery or tinned beetroot.  I was sold.

This recipe stops at the dressing.  I may not like raw celery, but that’s my problem.  So by all means, build your salad the way you like, add what you love to eat, and just pour on this dressing to finish.  It’s tangy, spicy, and barely has 4 ingredients.  What’s more, all you need is a jar, so there is next to zero washing up!

-Recipe Serves 6-8 Salad Portions



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