La Galette Des Rois

La Galette Des Rois

Traditionally shared on 6th Jan for Epiphany, this ‘Cake of Kings’ is to celebrate the arrival of the three wise men in Bethlehem.  Growing up, I had never celebrated this day, but we now celebrate this day with the kids, because this was part of my husband’s childhood, and on this day every year my parents in law celebrate with all their grandchildren.  This year I figured I’d continue the tradition at the Hage Ali household, and what better way, than to get the kids themselves to make it!

La Galette des Rois is essentially frangipane sandwiched between 2 layers of puff pastry.  In the midst of the cake a tiny toy baby Jesus is hidden – this is called the Fève.  Once baked, the cake is sliced, and the youngest child picks the first slice.  Whoever picks the slice with the baby Jesus is King/ Queen, and they have reign for the day.  Good thing Peanut didn’t win otherwise he’d be demanding chocolate all day!

ps.  So I just read up about the traditions of how this Galette is shared, and actually, ‘The youngest child goes under the table and points out the guests, who are then given their portion of the cake. A cardboard crown is supplied with the cake. The one who finds the fève is crowned and chooses his or her queen or king.’  Well, I got it mostly wrong, but that’s what my husband told me, so for just this once, I’m going to do it his way.


2x 25cm Diameter Round Sheets of Puff Pastry

100g Sugar

1 Egg

100g Ground Almonds

1 Beaten Egg Yolk
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1) Preheat the oven to 190°C.

2) Whisk the sugar and egg until pale, and mix in the ground almonds. This is your frangipane mixture.

3) Spread the frangipane over one sheet of puff pastry, and hide your fève (baby Jesus toy).   Leave a 2cm clear edge. Brush the edge with egg yolk, and layer over the second sheet of puff pastry.

4) Score the top of the puff pastry in a circular or even criss-cross pattern – whatever you fancy, and brush over with the egg yolk.

5) Place in the oven for 30 minutes. Serve at room temp.

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