Manuka Honey Oat Bars (12m+)

Manuka Honey Oat Bars (12m+)

Obviously you can use any other honey you like, but since Peanut started school his nose has turned into a waterfall, so I figured it would be good to give his immune system a natural boost.

When I was living in Hong Kong, I had a lot of stomach and healthy problems relating to the stress of work.  One day my Mom gave me this jar of MGO 400+ Manuka Honey, and said to eat a teaspoon a day, straight up.  Normally I’m not a fan of honey, but it tasted far better than Chinese herbal remedies, so I gave it a go.  It was magic.  After a week, without having to change my diet or my routine, my stomach problems went away, and I felt strong and energetic.  Magic.

Manuka honey is graded.  UMF and MGO are both used to indicate the antibacterial strength of Manuka Honey. UMF is the most widely used and it stands for ‘Unique Manuka Factor’.  This rating tests the antibacterial performance of a honey and compares it to phenol, a disinfectant.  MGO, on the other hand, is only used by the brand Manuka Health New Zealand Ltd., and it refers to the level of Methyglyoxal in the honey.  This is the brand I’ve tried and so in this recipe I’m sticking to the same, but a lower grade (MGO 100+), since we’re using it for baking.  

Why go Vegetarian, Lactose Free, Gluten Free, or Paleo when you can just have honey?

-Recipe Makes 16 Snacks-


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Recipe_oat bars

Final 1_oat bars

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