One Pot Braise & Glaze Spareribs (12m+)

One Pot Braise & Glaze Spareribs (12m+)

Well, one year on, P2 still only has two teeth, and she’s chowing down on ribs. One afternoon she just decided to graduate herself from purees and from being spoon fed by Mummy. Since she’s not really mastered the use of a spoon, and as she is determined to handle her own food, I’ve had to conjure up balanced recipes, which are easy for weaning babies to handle.

P2 had always been jealous of what Peanut was having for breakfast (namely omelets), lunch (noodles) and dinner (his favourite Zatar roasted chicken). At 11 months old she would wine whenever I was feeding Peanut because she wanted a bite of the action. After a month of further weaning, P2 can now share the same meals as Peanut! Poor Peanut has had to take a step back from sugars and salts, but now they can dine together, and meal times have suddenly become civilized.

The flavours in this recipe are strong, which means you can use beef short ribs or even lamb ribs instead of pork. Just bear in mind that many young toddlers don’t like beef or lamb, because the meat flavour is just too strong. If you cannot get hold of pork ribs, you can use chicken drumsticks. I use this technique of ‘one pot braise and glaze’ whenever I have something that needs cooking before glazing. Call me lazy, but I really don’t fancy washing up an extra saucepan, so a non-stick wok has become my new best friend. I simply place enough water to braise the ribs and veg; once the water has been simmered and evaporated away, you’re left with a reduced sauce just thick enough to glaze over your meat and root veg. Magic.

(Recipe Serves 2-3 toddlers)




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