P2’s 100 Days & Peanut’s 2 Years

P2’s 100 Days & Peanut’s 2 Years

This post is much belated. Life has been one big hectic roller coaster ride ever since P2 was born so I haven’t had much time to write. P2’s 100 Days Celebration happened to be a few days off Peanut’s 2nd Birthday, so we joined them up, invited all their friends and I made cake.

This post is not about the spread I made for the party, because frankly, for a 2nd Birthday, no parent has the time to sit and eat, because they’ll all be chasing after their toddlers, stopping them from biting, shoving, and grabbing toys from each other. Age 2 marks the start of the terrible twos, but it also marks the start of being able to feed your kids grown up foods, and best of all – CAKE.

Now, to reveal how these cakes were made – I must have been prepping for weeks for P2’s cake, because I took my time over the sugar flowers. There was only so much rolling and modeling I could do when both kids were napping! Anyway, I had made the halo of flowers weeks ahead of time, so all I had to do before the big day was to make the moon. I simply bought two semi spherical cake moulds, baked up the chocolate fudge cakes, iced over with vanilla buttercream, took an egg dipped in water to make the craters, and sprayed over with silver food spray. The final touch was simply to place the halo of flowers around the cake. It sounds like a very odd composition, but since ‘Ayla’ means ‘Halo of the Moon’, I figured it would be appropriate.

For Peanut’s First Birthday, I had made my first ever 3D cake – a Dino Cake. And this year, being his second Birthday, I made my second ever 3D cake – a Monkey Cake, or as Peanut calls it, the ‘OO OO Cake’. With 3D cakes I can never tell how they’re going to come out. There’s such a huge risk in sculpting a cake, because you never know if in one slice you might have chopped off a bit too much so the monkey ends up looking like Mickey Mouse. Well, thankfully this cake turned out to look like a monkey. I managed to sculpt the nose and mouth in tinted sugar gum paste, I iced the cake in Nutella icing and Coco Pops, and most importantly, the dowels I had placed were sufficient to keep the cake standing proud. What I had totally forgotten, were the eyes of the monkey! In a panic driven genius moment, I simply took Peanut’s sunglasses, and shoved them into the cake. Job done.

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