P2’S First Birthday!

P2’S First Birthday!

Well, I can’t say this year has flown by, because it’s not the easiest, being a full time mother of two with a severe case of ‘fomo’ (‘fear of missing out’ – yes, there is now an acronym for this phrase. I had been so out of touch with people my own age, apparently I’m now ‘old’.) Anyway, our little Princess turns 1, and just as her birthday arrived, she also started walking! It’s incredible how much faster a second child grows up. She has her brother to chase after, so no wonder she was in a hurry to get walking!

As per all of my children’s birthday parties at home, I always keep the hosting simple. Here are my top tips for organizing a stress free party:

  • No one will ever be on time. So set a start and end time to the party. It prompts people to be relatively on time, and generally, by half time, most guests have arrived.
  • Your number of guests will never be set, because there will always be someone who cancels last minute, or friends who decide to crash. Let’s face it, once you have a kid, tardiness and absence becomes unsurprising. So just approximate, and have half the dishes things like cheese and cold cuts, where you can always replenish if need be. One can never have too much Parma ham in the fridge anyway.
  • Don’t cook anything new. Plan a menu with dishes you’ve made many times, and dishes that can be prepared ahead of time with minimal last minute finishing touches.
  • Plan a cake that can sit at room temperature for hours. This saves having to carry the cake through a sea of crawling babies.
  • Serve food at room temperature, or food that can come to room temperature and is still delicious.
  • Serve everything buffet style, including drinks, this way people can dig in when their baby gives them a minute.
  • Bear in mind that as this is a babies’ party, most guests are parents and therefore will not have time to eat. So don’t be surprised if nothing on your buffet table is touched. Once the candle is blown, everyone will be sure to have a slice of cake, after which you can offer doggybags to enjoy your home cooking at their own time.
  • Finally, make the largest safe space possible for babies and parents to crawl around and mingle. Most babies will not leave their parents because it’s a new environment with a lot of new faces, so allow for parents to also use the crawl space.
  • Finally, seal off any unsafe spaces or rooms that you don’t want your kids to enter. This way you can at least let your baby crawl or run around without having to chase them too much. After all, you also need to enjoy the party and the company!

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