
Peking Duck

Peking Duck

My husband can literally devour the entire duck on his own. He may not be able to move afterwards, but he’ll do it. I haven’t been able to find fresh whole duck in Oman, so frozen will have to do.…
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Jam Doughnuts

Jam Doughnuts

One of the things I love about Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Day) is the freshly fried doughnuts at the fair just before the fire works and bonfire start. Doughnuts really don’t keep well at all, so be sure to…
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R’s Club Sandwich

R’s Club Sandwich

My husband’s masterpiece, and a poolside favourite. Every club or café have their own version of the perfect Club Sandwich, and like any other sandwich, everyone has their own taste and their own way of enjoying a sandwich. So at…
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Tea Party

Tea Party

It’s Peanut’s bestie’s First Birthday party! I was a little too late to offer to make his cake, and of course his uber organised mother wasn’t going to wait around so she had planned a giant circus cake from the…
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Warak Anab

Warak Anab

My husband always says, ‘when you make Warak Anab, everyone will know how much effort you’ve put into the meal.’ Rightly so! It is time consuming to fill and roll the grape leaves, but when you present the dish, it…
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