Pavlova #BakingWithKids

Pavlova #BakingWithKids

This Easter, we had a house full of little monsters.  How many?  Five, to be exact.  The house was total chaos, diapers were flying, screeching competitions, new obsession with the word ‘BLEAHHHHH’, and toys which I had hid because they were too dangerous for babies, had somehow found their way into the mouth of my youngest, P2.   You would think that having them run havoc in the kitchen would be a terrible idea, but when there’s dessert at stake, they all listen for strict instructions.

This Pavlova is fit for 6-8 adults, but in our case, with 3 toddlers, 2 boys and 4 adults, it disappeared within 10 minutes!  I left out any sugar in the whipped cream to make the top half of the cake baby friendly.  Of course, if you love your sweet, then by all means, add some icing sugar or maple syrup to your taste.

-Recipe Serves 6-8-


4 Egg Whites

1 Cup Caster Sugar

1 tbsp White Wine Vinegar

1 tbsp Lemon Juice

1 tsp Vanilla Extract

1 tbsp Corn Flour

500ml Double Cream

1 tsp Vanilla Bean Paste


  • Preheat the oven to 140°
  • Whisk the egg whites until stiff.
  • Gently tip in the sugar. Whisk until the egg whites are stiff and glossy.
  • Add in the vinegar, lemon juice, vanilla, and sift in the corn flour.
  • Gently fold to combine. This is your meringue for your Pavlova.
  • Using a spatula, shape the meringue on a baking pan lined with greaseproof paper. Dab the top of the meringue with your spatula to form peaks – this will give you extra crispy edges.
  • Bake in the oven for 1 hour, and leave to cool at room temperature.
  • Whisk together the cream and vanilla bean paste until medium stiff peaks form.
  • Spread the cream over the baked and cooled meringue, and top with berries.

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Final 1_Pavlova

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