Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies

I don’t know about you, but I’ve always dreaded the day Peanut is introduced to chocolate, because I was sure he would love it, and I was sure that all he would then want to eat is chocolate, 3 times a day, everyday. Well, my time has come. One day as I was enjoying my chocolate fondant I turned around to find my spoon had disappeared. My Peanut, who never shows too much interest in eating, had managed to climb out of his high chair, stretched across the table to take a lick of my spoon full of chocolaty goodness! I was torn between wanting to tell him off for climbing on the table, and being in awe of how cute Peanut looked licking the spoon. I guess we cannot prevent the inevitable. After all, since I’ve had P2 I’ve literally been on a pure chocolate diet, so no one needs to explain to me the love for chocolate!

Let’s be clear- this recipe is not posted as a baby recipe since its loaded with sugar. It’s for us breastfeeding mamas and sweet lovers out there who just want it all in one bite- chocolate, peanut butter, and a boost of energy to last through the late nights and the never ending afternoons.

I’ll be the first to admit these cookies are no lookers. They really look like a recipe gone wrong. But I can assure you, they are hopelessly addictive and because they don’t hold together, they’re great to pick at so you don’t realise you’ve just eaten a whole cookie the size of your face! Evil? Indeed.

-Recipe Makes 24 Large Cookies-


Ingredients_peanut butter cookies


Recipe_peanut butter cookies
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Final 6_Peanut butter cookies

Final 5_Peanut butter cookies

Final 4_Peanut butter cookies

Final 3_Peanut butter cookies

Final 2_peanut butter cookies

Final 1_Peanut Butter Cookies 2

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