Peanut’s Third Birthday!

Peanut’s Third Birthday!

This year, 9th May snuck up on me.  By the time I had realised Peanut’s birthday was looming, the big day was only 3 days away.  Ahhhhhh!  Words cannot describe the panic.

At age 3, Peanut’s social life is no longer limited by family and family friends, he had started to make his own friends at school.  I didn’t want to invite the whole school, but I had no idea where to draw the line.  So the guest list tripled over night, and I had let my husband know that our house was about to invaded by 20 kids, 40 adults, a bouncy castle, a ball pool, and possible rain.

Truth be told I wasn’t stressed about the food or the cake, because I had decided to only cater for the kids, since no adult should need feeding between 4-6pm.  I kept the parents happy with an open bar, and the kids had Spaghetti Bolognaise, Sausage Rolls, Chicken Popsicles, and a buffet of fruit and vegetable sticks.  However, once we had set up the table, the sky turned grey, and it poured.  We cut the cake as soon as everyone had arrived, I didn’t want our guests to feel obliged to stay any longer in the rain.  Thankfully, Peanut’s friends have cool parents, and they were happy to let their kids run around in the rain searching for ‘the world’s biggest muddy puddle!’  The theme of the birthday was Spider Man, but really it should have been Peppa Pig.

So here it is, my tips and tricks on how to recover from total dis-organisation:

  • Find a venue and or party entertainment, decide whether it will be indoors or outdoors. If the weather forecast says it’s ‘50% likely to rain’, assume it’ll rain.
  • Sort the cake out. All kids will love more than one character or theme, so just go with whichever is easier to bake, buy or order, and plan the decorations around the cake.
  • If you can’t find decorations that match your theme/ character, just try to match by colour.
  • Don’t forget the favour bags! They live for them now.
  • Supply wine and beer for the parents, and keep the menu kiddie friendly. Three year olds are pretty self-sufficient now and they will hunt down food when their batteries run low.
  • No toothpicks or barbecue skewers, they will just be turned into weapons. Go with finger foods, three year olds do not eat with class.
  • Let the kids run wild, and no air conditioning when and if they get drenched.

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