Pomegranate Molasses Chicken Skewers

Pomegranate Molasses Chicken Skewers

In case I hadn’t been clear in my past posts, P2 is a super baby.  At 4 months she was crawling.  At 11 months she was walking and proficiently feeding herself.  Her dream entertainment, is to draw and paint.  She is rarely ill, and with regards to our recent encounter with hand foot and mouth disease, she caught it, but it didn’t faze her.  Life moved on.  Peanut, on the other hand, wasn’t so lucky, he had so many mouth ulcers (canker sores), that his diet was reduced to popsicles and ice water.  While the British had Bonjella to rescue sore gums, the Lebanese use pomegranate molasses.

‘…pomegranates as an effective home remedy for canker sores. You can try both pomegranate juice and pomegranate molasses which is more effective.

Pomegranate was demonstrated to be high in antioxidant activity and strong in phenolic, flavonoid and tannin contents in its fruit, flower and also aerial parts. Furthermore It is a source of Vitamin C and has anti-bacterial characteristics.’

This recipe is curtesy of my husband, who came up with this dish because of Peanut’s love of Chicken, and P2’s love of eating meats on a skewer.  Yes, I know it’s not smart giving skewers to kids, because God forbid we should provide them with weapons.  Do make sure you snip off the sharp ends after you have skewered the meat, and make sure your sticks are pre-soaked so that they don’t burn.

Pom Chicken_Ingredients 3


3 Chicken Thighs (Bone Off, Skin Off)

2 tbsp Pomegranate Molasses

1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

½ tsp All Spice Powder (Lebanese Sweet Pepper Powder)

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1) Cut the chicken into bite size pieces, about half the size of your thumb.

2) In a bowl, mix together the chicken, pomegranate molasses, extra virgin olive oil and all spice powder.

3) Skewer the chicken.  For kids, I use mini skewers, and I place two pieces per skewer.

4) Leave the skewers to sit for about 20 min to marinate.

5) Place into a griddle pan, and turn the heat to medium.  Keep the skewers moving in the pan as the pomegranate molasses will burn easily.  When the chicken is golden brown, it is ready (about 10-15 minutes).

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