Potatoes + Carrots + Cumin (6m+)

Potatoes + Carrots + Cumin (6m+)

I have searched far and wide for weaning and feeding schedules for babies and toddlers. No luck. Everything I found was so vague in both timings and quantities. It’s only now that I’ve started P2 on solids that I understand why. It’s because no same babies go about starting solids the same way! From the very milky watery baby cereal, to fruit and veg purees, to the textured chunky mush, every baby moves on in their own pace and every baby has their own preference for textures. Or in the case of P2, she literally skipped the puree and only wanted to eat giant chunks of softened vegetables that she could gnaw her teeth-less gums into.

And now, 3 months into her solids diet, she’s reverted back to purees. So here it is, one of her favourites – potatoes and carrots. I’ve heard cumin helps with digestion and insomnia, so I’ve gone ahead with an extra touch of flavour, to get her tummy moving and to get her to do her nights… Mama needs some sleep!


Final 1_P2 Potatoes


Recipe_P2 potaties
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Final 2_P2 potatoes



Final 2_Halloween

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