Rice Burgers

Rice Burgers

Tokyo is, hands down, my favourite city in the world.  There’s just something about the diversity in the Japanese culture, from food to fashion, that fascinates me.

I can never part from my love of rice.  Sticky Japanese rice rolled into a patty and fried?  Yes Please!  Beef in the middle?  Bring on the cow I say.

This recipe may seem odd, because I’ve prescribed 1.8 kilos of beef, then no specific amount of rice to hold all this beef.  Well, this is because in my family, we eat beef like there’s no tomorrow.  We eat this burger as if it’s a magic burger with a never ending filling of beef that magically tops itself up when it starts to run out.  So I always make sure there’s way more beef than rice patties.  But of course, for 1.8kg of beef, you could feed a party of 8-10, and for 8-10 people, you’ll need 8-10 cups of cooked sushi rice, and 8-10 tbsp of rice wine vinegar to make up the rice patties.

-Recipe Serves 8-10-

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Recipe_rice burger

Final 1_rice burger

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