Russian Cottage Cheese ‘Gnocchi’ (18m+)

Russian Cottage Cheese ‘Gnocchi’ (18m+)

Technically, these are not Gnocchi, because they lack potato. I got this recipe from my Kazak friend, J, who is married to an Italian. So I suppose one can say these are really Vereniki shaped like Italian Gnocchi, cooked and served like Gnocchi, without the stodge and starch. I always find myself running into walls when it comes to making food for Peanut, so I always ask my mummy friends what they like to make for their toddler. I love this recipe because you can sneak in all kinds of leaves into the mix as a way of getting some green into your little ones. In this recipe, I used basil, but of course you are welcome to mix in spinach, sundried tomatoes or even broccoli!

-Serves 4 toddlers-




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