Spam Fried Rice

Spam Fried Rice

I always thought this was my mother’s dish, but turns out she made it for my Dad because that’s what my Grandma used to cook for him when he was growing up. My version is a mix between the two – the dark soy sauce comes from Mom, and the fried egg on top comes from Grandma.

How did I find out? Well, one holiday in Hong Kong, I was having lunch with my Grandparents at the Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club. My Grandpa orders a李伯炒飯 (Uncle Fook Hing’s Fried Rice). What came out was my Grandma’s Spam Fried Rice. It was then that I realised what a legend my Grandpa is at this club. My Grandpa is an avid yacht racer. As a Navel Architect he designed his own yachts and named them after my Grandma – TruLuv 1, 2 and 3. At 91 years old, Grandpa is still racing, and still winning. Cheers to that, Readers!

-Recipe Serves 2-3-



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Final 3_spam

Final 2_spam

Final 1_spam

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