

Pasta Bake

Pasta Bake

There is no shame in being a pasta fiend.  Between my cake business and being a full time Mom, I barely have time to eat, so when I do, I just eat whatever is the quickest the most filling to…
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Manaeesh/ Manouche

Manaeesh/ Manouche

Here’s another insight into the infamous Terrible Twos:  You would think that all kids love pizza, after all, what is there not to love?  Bread?  Good.  Tomato sauce?  Sweet.  Cheese?  Love.  For Peanut, however, he is perplexed by ‘pizza’.  I…
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This week my nephews are visiting. It’s been quite the busy week running up to Halloween – between making Peanut’s Halloween costume, decorating a graveyard cake, swimming and playing with kids with seemingly limitless energy, I was beat. Good thing…
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Mac & Cheese

Mac & Cheese

Probably the most comforting dish on the planet.  It’s ooey, gooey, and cheesey. I often play around with the cheeses that I use.  Another combination I love to use is Cheddar and Blackstick’s Blue; but obviously, go ahead and use…
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This is my burger, my way. I like to dig out the centre of the bun, and I replace the missing bread with a hash brown.  There’s no space for a healthy burger in my life.  So let’s shift this burger…
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Ok you don’t have to go making your own cheese, but living in Oman, Ricotta is not always available so I resorted to making my own. To my surprise, it’s actually very easy to make! I am by no means…
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