

La Galette Des Rois

La Galette Des Rois

Traditionally shared on 6th Jan for Epiphany, this ‘Cake of Kings’ is to celebrate the arrival of the three wise men in Bethlehem.  Growing up, I had never celebrated this day, but we now celebrate this day with the kids,…
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Eggless Tiramisu

Eggless Tiramisu

This is the easiest Tiramisu recipe I’ve ever come across, and perfect for my pregnant belly. I love making this for impromptu dinner parties. The ingredients are easy to find, and making the cream is a one-bowl job. I think…
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Gateau St. Honoré

Gateau St. Honoré

My friend D went nuts over the Éclair Tower I made for my husband’s big 3-0. So for her birthday, I made her Gateau St. Honoré. It’s light, elegant, and what girl doesn’t like cream stuffed balls? I’ve always struggled…
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L’s Brownies

L’s Brownies

At boarding school, much like jail, nothing comes free, and of course you have to barter to get something you don’t have. One of my fortes at school was sewing and fashion design. Somehow it became well known after a…
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Jam Doughnuts

Jam Doughnuts

One of the things I love about Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Day) is the freshly fried doughnuts at the fair just before the fire works and bonfire start. Doughnuts really don’t keep well at all, so be sure to…
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