

Coq Au Vin

Coq Au Vin

Aside from pasta and sauce from a jar, this was the first dish I ever cooked.  In my early teens I had managed to let out a vortex of fire from the school gas oven, which got me banned from…
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Truffle Gratin

Truffle Gratin

I know, as soon as you hear the word ‘truffle’ you immediately relate to pretentious food that will break your budget; but for those who have a mature palette and love their truffle, you will love this recipe.  I use…
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Tortellini En Brodo

Tortellini En Brodo

At university I studied the Anthropology of Time in conjunction with my Architecture Masters Degree. Not to bore you with all the details, but what was really interesting was how time was perceived. Do you quantify time in scientifically allocated…
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Usually I’m all up for recipes which are quick to prepare, quick to cook, and above all, quick to clean up. I’d always use my Kitchenaid to help speed up the process, and I’d go all out kung-fu style knocking dumplings…
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Rice Burgers

Rice Burgers

Tokyo is, hands down, my favourite city in the world.  There’s just something about the diversity in the Japanese culture, from food to fashion, that fascinates me. I can never part from my love of rice.  Sticky Japanese rice rolled…
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Rack of Lamb

Rack of Lamb

My brother and I love to make this dish for last minute dinner parties. Well, in the case of my brother, every dinner is last minute because I always get an SOS call hours away from serving dinner, asking me…
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