

Manaeesh/ Manouche

Manaeesh/ Manouche

Here’s another insight into the infamous Terrible Twos:  You would think that all kids love pizza, after all, what is there not to love?  Bread?  Good.  Tomato sauce?  Sweet.  Cheese?  Love.  For Peanut, however, he is perplexed by ‘pizza’.  I…
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This is my burger, my way. I like to dig out the centre of the bun, and I replace the missing bread with a hash brown.  There’s no space for a healthy burger in my life.  So let’s shift this burger…
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Jam Doughnuts

Jam Doughnuts

One of the things I love about Bonfire Night (or Guy Fawkes Day) is the freshly fried doughnuts at the fair just before the fire works and bonfire start. Doughnuts really don’t keep well at all, so be sure to…
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