

Coke & Cow

Coke & Cow

No seriously, coke braised brisket works, and it’s delicious. The pomegranate molasses off sets the sweetness from the coke, and gives the beef a wonderful tang that will keep you hooked. You can definitely slice the brisket, but for big…
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Ok you don’t have to go making your own cheese, but living in Oman, Ricotta is not always available so I resorted to making my own. To my surprise, it’s actually very easy to make! I am by no means…
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Chicken Pomelo Salad

Chicken Pomelo Salad

My Grandma always complains to me that Grandpa complains about her cooking. Something about her meat being too tough, and Grandma just replies, ‘It’s because you have no teeth!’ Anyway, this dish was one that everyone loved, and so my…
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Celery Noodles

Celery Noodles

While I was in Architecture school I did a lot of late nights and needless to say it affected my health. I tried all sorts of herbal supplements, which to my horror all smelled like a horse’s behind. Eventually I…
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