Tortellini En Brodo

Tortellini En Brodo

At university I studied the Anthropology of Time in conjunction with my Architecture Masters Degree. Not to bore you with all the details, but what was really interesting was how time was perceived. Do you quantify time in scientifically allocated units, or do you quantify it by events? Well, my answer, as a mother of two, is by units, because no baby will sit quietly while waiting for you to finish making your tortellini, so you better get wrapping before the clocks strikes 4, and both babies wake up at the same time. However in the world where you can relax and enjoy La Dolce Vita, there is room for ‘Slow Food’.

The ‘Slow Food Movement’ was founded by Carlo Petrini and a group of activists in the 1980s with the initial aim to defend regional traditions, good food, gastronomic pleasure and a slow pace of life. Tortellini En Brodo embodies the essence of ‘Slow Food’ – the ingredients are specific to certain regional products in Italy, it’s delicately delicious, and it takes forever to make. Being Chinese, the ideals of a slow pace of life is, well, alien. So you can imagine, when I was making Tortellini En Brodo with my group of Italian Mamas, I was twirling my thumbs wondering when they will finish their coffee and we would finally get cooking. After day 2 of making the Tortellini, I finally started to get the hang of it – just enjoy the company, enjoy the foreverly lingering aroma of food on the stove, and if your baby starts to cry, no worries, the food can wait.

-Recipe Serves 10-14-





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