Chicken Katsu Curry

Chicken Katsu Curry

Who doesn’t like fried chicken?  During my university days, I went through a stage of deep frying everything: cheese, meats, chocolate bars, you name it.  Somehow the smell of fried oil never used to bother me, until I had kids, and the smallest spec of dust reeled me into three hours of OCD driven, detox, and declutter spring clean.

However now and again, a girl needs her chicken.  So between two girls, I did 4 giant breasts.  This was enough to feed a hungry family of 4, but for my friend, J, and I, we ploughed through it with little to spare.  For those with smaller bellies, feel free to pop left overs in the fridge.  They heat up very well in the oven.

For the Curry Sauce…


1 Large Onion

3 Small Carrots

1 Red Apple

½ Packet of Japanese Curry Roux (I used House Vermont)



  • Chop and peel the onions, carrots and apple into large chunks.
  • Simmer in 1 litre of water for 30-45min, or until the carrot is soft.
  • Add the curry roux, and mix until the roux is fully dissolved, and the sauce has become thick.

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For the Chicken Katsu…


4 Large Chicken Breasts

1 Cup Flour

2 Eggs

2 Cups Panko Breadcrumbs

Enough Corn Oil to fill the pan 2” deep



  • Slice the chicken breasts into thick strips.
  • First, dunk in flour, pat off the excess.
  • Secondly, dunk in beaten egg.
  • Thirdly, dunk into breadcrumbs, and press to ensure the crumbs adhere to the meat.
  • Heat up the oil in a shallow frying pan. Test the temperature of the oil by placing a wooden chopstick vertically, touching the base of the centre of the pan.  If bubbles start to form around the chopstick, your oil is hot enough.
  • Fry the chicken until golden brown.
  • Drain on kitchen paper, and serve up with rice and curry sauce.






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