Manaeesh/ Manouche

Manaeesh/ Manouche

Here’s another insight into the infamous Terrible Twos:  You would think that all kids love pizza, after all, what is there not to love?  Bread?  Good.  Tomato sauce?  Sweet.  Cheese?  Love.  For Peanut, however, he is perplexed by ‘pizza’.  I have no idea how, but he knows that he’s meant to love it, and he’s tried very hard to love it, but he actually doesn’t.  So he projects his love for pizza, onto the next closest dish he can fathom his gob around – ham & cheese toasted sandwiches.  I played along for a while, but since he’s approaching 3 years of age, and is really beginning to understand the world in 5 languages, it’s probably time I stop the white lies.

To further the mystery of the Terrible Twos, Peanut will not eat anything that contains or touches the colour, green.  Even if it has been removed, the fact that it was once on his plate, he would reject the entire meal.  You would think that he was chronically allergic to the colour.

Then, one Christmas morning in Lebanon, we had Manaeesh for breakfast.  Manaeesh (Maouche being the singular), is a Levantine flatbread topped with Zatar (thyme and sesame) or Jibneh (cheese), typically served with Labneh (strained yoghurt), sliced cucumber, tomatoes and mint.  HE ATE THE WHOLE THING!  Why you ask?  Well, after months of deciphering his strange little mind, I’ve pieced together the following:

  • Looks like pizza, so supposed love for pizza, check!
  • Cheese is optional? Great, he was never a cheese lover anyway.
  • No tomato sauce, so love-hate relationship with tomatoes is resolved!
  • Zatar may be green, but health benefits are minimal, therefore it is an exception. Entry permitted.
  • Cucumber and tomatoes? Turns out, if you slice them the right way, he thinks he’s eating coins.  Presentation is everything.

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I had been putting off making this recipe for a while.  I love to bake, but making bread first thing in the morning is just not on my bucket list.  I mean, there aren’t enough cups of coffee in the world to keep me awake while I wait for the dough to prove.  However, just this once I thought I’d try making the dough the night before, and to let it prove in the fridge.  It worked.  I got up the next morning and went straight to rolling and baking the dough.  So this morning, we had a family of happy campers – Peanut and P2 ate a hearty balanced breakfast, my husband got his Lebanese breakfast served with black tea and 3 spoons of sugar (!), and hopefully, I’ve managed to alleviate some of his homesickness.

Don’t be alarmed if the dough seems way too sticky.  I learnt my kneading technique from Richard Bertinet’s ‘Dough’ Cookbook, where it teaches the ‘Slap and Fold’ kneading technique, otherwise also known as the ‘Bertinet Method’.  This technique is very strange because you are working with a dough texture that is so sticky and messy that it makes you question whether you’re kneading bread or just cleaning up after your baby’s leftover porridge; but believe me, this method works, and it’s never failed me.  So I’ve adjusted a typical Manaeesh dough recipe to suit this technique.  Of course if you prefer working with a firmer ball of dough, then by all means half the amount of water in this recipe, and go for the traditional kneading technique.

-Recipe makes 4- 


Ingredients_manaeesh 2



Final 1_Manaeesh

Final 2_Manaeesh

Final 3_Manaeesh

Final 4_Manaeesh

Final 8_Manaeesh

Final 5_Manaeesh

Final 6_Manaeesh

Final 9_Manaeesh

Final 7_Manaeesh

Final 10_Manaeesh

Final 11_Manaeesh

Final 12_Manaeesh

Final 13_Manaeesh

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