Mum’s Word

Mum’s Word

Ayla, a.k.a. P2, was born on 2nd February 2016 at 2:15pm. By 4:30pm she had already spent half her life eating.

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They say the second baby is easier to handle, and I suppose in some ways that is true, because you’ve been there, done that, so there are no surprises when your baby burps like a fountain, or when they projectile poop onto your front. They also say that girls tend to be easier to take care of, because they tend to be less active than boys. Errr, wrong. From birth, P2 has always managed to give that extra kick of objection at every change; she squirms in the bath so all bath seats, loungers and rings are of no help; and she craves affection and attention like the true Princess that she is. What can I say? She’s exactly like me when I was a baby. I could not be more proud of her.

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You know once you’ve had one baby, the first question most people ask is, ‘Are you having another?’ After Peanut, the answer was, without a doubt, ‘Yes.’ I was so determined to give Peanut a sibling, for them to grow up together and to be close together – just like my brother is to me, that I had put aside the horrors in having a 29 week preemie in the Middle East as an expat. I had always imagined what I wanted for Peanut, but never did I register just how much work it would be, to be a full-time, hands-on mother, raising two babies 20 months apart, with no help. No one ever told me just how much I’d have to let go, how heart wrenching it would be, when your Peanut is crying from high fever, but you couldn’t go to him because you couldn’t afford your new born to also get sick.

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Final 3_breast milk mash 2

Final 4_breast milk mash

Let me summarise – having recently gone through 9 months of severe pregnancy cramps, second natural birth with no epidural, two years four months of endless sleepless nights, one year eight months of teething with round two pending, two times transformation into a milk cow – do you really think I could possibly answer ‘Yes’ to having a third right now? I didn’t think so. For now, I am just enjoying being blessed with two perfect, healthy, happy babies, and for as long as I am able to, I will give them my all. The day they don’t need me, I’ll know I’d done a good job.

Final 6_breast milk mash


  • Hey 😊 First of all God bless your little two peanuts Rayan and Ayla 💕 You’re an amazing mummy it’s really a big job as I can see from my daughter Layla with her two kids 😉 Just be cool , from my experience with five 😩 When they get older it gets harder !!! Best wishes sweetie to you and your little sweet family 💞


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