

Rack of Lamb

Rack of Lamb

My brother and I love to make this dish for last minute dinner parties. Well, in the case of my brother, every dinner is last minute because I always get an SOS call hours away from serving dinner, asking me…
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This week my nephews are visiting. It’s been quite the busy week running up to Halloween – between making Peanut’s Halloween costume, decorating a graveyard cake, swimming and playing with kids with seemingly limitless energy, I was beat. Good thing…
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Gateau St. Honoré

Gateau St. Honoré

My friend D went nuts over the Éclair Tower I made for my husband’s big 3-0. So for her birthday, I made her Gateau St. Honoré. It’s light, elegant, and what girl doesn’t like cream stuffed balls? I’ve always struggled…
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Tea Party

Tea Party

It’s Peanut’s bestie’s First Birthday party! I was a little too late to offer to make his cake, and of course his uber organised mother wasn’t going to wait around so she had planned a giant circus cake from the…
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